Tredalo® The Amazing Walk on Water Raft!

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Tredalo with a Storm Brewing
Tredalo® on the sea with a storm brewing!

Tredalo from Adventurous Design Ltd
Tredalo®, the alternative to a foot passenger ferry crossing?

Tredalo draws a crowd
Tredalo® draws a crowd after launching into Poole Harbour


Tredalo in developement
Tredalo® during early development in our favourite lake during testing


Tredalo on Irish Sea
Tredalo® on the Irish Sea



Tredalo with Kayaks
Tredalo® making way up a calm river estuary


Tredalo takes on the sailing dinghys
Tredalo® making head way into wind on a yachting lake during early development


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Tredalo® The Amazing Walk on Water Raft: Dare to be different!

© Adventurous Design Ltd 2012